Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Hello Dears,

I just hope you remember that you asked me to storyboard. Just in case you can't tell what I drew I included a list of shots! Good luck and thanks!

It's the big paragraph in the script. Starting with "Dwight attempts to escape the mash pit." And ending with, "Dwight leans over and picks up the mic."

WS Dwight escaping mosh pit
MS Dwight crawling on the ground
POV from Dwight of tilt up of Tank
MS of Dwight jumping back into crowd
CU Dwight sigh of relief/terror from getting picked up to crowd surf
MS Dwight crowd surfing
WS Tank searching for Dwight
POV Tank spots Dwight
CU Tanks lips curl
MS Dwight tries to get down
WS Tank rummages through crowd
MS Tank pulls down Dwight
CU Dwight gets punched
MS Tank pulls up Dwight
MS Pan Tank throws Dwight into speaker stack
MS Speakers fall over and crush lead singer
WS Audience is angry
MS Dwight is freaked out/stands up
WS Dwight walks to lead singer laying on the ground
MS Dwight holds up his hand to crowd
MS Dwight picks up dead lead singers mic


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