Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Hello Dears,

I just hope you remember that you asked me to storyboard. Just in case you can't tell what I drew I included a list of shots! Good luck and thanks!

It's the big paragraph in the script. Starting with "Dwight attempts to escape the mash pit." And ending with, "Dwight leans over and picks up the mic."

WS Dwight escaping mosh pit
MS Dwight crawling on the ground
POV from Dwight of tilt up of Tank
MS of Dwight jumping back into crowd
CU Dwight sigh of relief/terror from getting picked up to crowd surf
MS Dwight crowd surfing
WS Tank searching for Dwight
POV Tank spots Dwight
CU Tanks lips curl
MS Dwight tries to get down
WS Tank rummages through crowd
MS Tank pulls down Dwight
CU Dwight gets punched
MS Tank pulls up Dwight
MS Pan Tank throws Dwight into speaker stack
MS Speakers fall over and crush lead singer
WS Audience is angry
MS Dwight is freaked out/stands up
WS Dwight walks to lead singer laying on the ground
MS Dwight holds up his hand to crowd
MS Dwight picks up dead lead singers mic



Thursday, March 24, 2011

First Few Scenes

Here are the first few scenes. We just need Tank and Dwight in the scene where the pick would hit.

Nick, I've uploaded this Maya file (Bar12) to the drop box folder along with two new pictures being used as UV's. The bartender and Barsitter. It's animated like the video shows right up to the point where the pick hits the back of Tank's head. We just need to add Dwight and Tank to the Maya files at this point, and then decide which scenes we each want to animate.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Dwightly Golightly

Here's the 3D model for Dwight. Rigging will come shortly, I hope, then we should be able to animate the dang thing.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Tank U. Varimuch in 3d

I'm going to try and make dwight and tank in 3d since they pose the most. I'm really new still to maya, so I apologize for the crude models. Nick, we can use these as place holders if you'd like to still draw or model dwight and tank.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bar Scene - first 18 seconds

This is our establishing shot. Camera pans across the bar to the band. Our main characters haven't been introduced yet. It ends with the lead guitarist doing a windmill. The next few scenes, which haven't been animated yet, would be the pick flying out of the guitarist's hand, and as the camera follows it, it takes us to Dwight and Tank sitting at the bar.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Here are the scenes I'm going to animate from the start of our animatic.

We still need a finished storyboard of the whole story, and the corresponding drawings of Dwight and Tank for the animatic. The bar's done. Anyone that wants the Maya files from me, I can put up on dropbox or give to you in class. If we get the first few scenes animated, Aaron said we could take the whole week of spring break off. So that's my goal.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Camera Angles - Rough Sketches

These aren't really in any order, but you get the idea.
*More to come*

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Crappy band member sketches

Here are a couple sketches of the band. Again, take what you like, and throw the rest away. If you don't dig any of it, I'm cool with that too. I initially put everyone in black with long hair looking about as heavy metal as possible, but pulled it back to give the members some more character. Anyway, more stooopid sketches to come.



Muffled rock music plays outside the bar where a group of rockers enter. They walk to the center of the room and join the mosh pit. The BAND is rocking out on stage. The GUITARIST gets carried away playing. He does a "windmill" rock strum with his guitar pick. The pick flies out of his hand across the room and hits TANK (bully, late twenties). Tank is upset. He looks around to find who hit him only to see a skinny guy, DWIGHT (nerd, mid-twenties), sitting next to him sipping a beer. Tank hustles over to Dwight with his fists clenched. Dwight raises his glass to say hello.


Can you believe this thing cost me

ten dollars?

Tank’s facial expression remains the same. Tank grabs Dwight by the collar and pulls him off his stool. Scrambling to get footing, Dwight knocks over his beer and spills it on the guy sitting on the other side of him, TOM. Tom stands up and swings a punch at Dwight. Dwight ducks and barely misses the punch, Tom hits Tank right in the eye. Dwight scrambles to get away and frantically rumages through the mosh pit.

The fight leads to a montage of bar fights. One GUY crashes a chair over someone’s back, the band dodges beer bottles the audience throws around, and a crazy drunk SNOOKIE look alike fights her way on stage where she dances along to the music. While in the mosh pit Dwight gets punched, kneed, and kicked in the face. Tank throws Tom down the bar. Tank looks for Dwight in the crowd.

Dwight attempts to escape the mosh pit. He crawls on the ground and gets stepped on. Finally breaking free, he stands up only to be face to face with Tank. Dwight throws himself back into the crowd. He is finally free when the crowd lifts him up and crowd surfs him. Tank searches for Dwight everywhere. He sees Dwight crowd surfing. His lips curl up. Dwight sees Tank and he tries to get down from crowd. Tank rummages through the crowd and grabs Dwight. Tank punches Dwight. Tank grabs Dwight from the shirt and throws him so hard he lands on the stage knocking over a speaker stack, which falls to the ground crushing the LEAD SINGER. The music stops. The audience is silent. Dwight slowly stands up. The crowd is ready to attack. Dwight dodges beer bottles as he walks over to the lead singer lying on the ground. He holds his hands out to the audience. He bends over and picks up the mic.



You suck!

Dwight puts the mic to his mouth. He screams the next line to the song.

The audience goes wild, the other band members join in, and everyone continues moshing. Snookie walks over and caresses Dwight as he sings. He shakes her off. She walks away and he continues singing. Tank tries to escape the crowd. They see him running away and pound him into the mosh pit. Dwight continues rocking out with the band.


Tank Sketch

Here is a sketch of how I pictured tank. Give me any feedback that you feel I could improve on.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Floor Plan

Here are two sketches I did of the floor plan. A bird's eye view, and the left wall. I'll get to the other 3 walls and outside-front soon. This isn't a "set-in-stone" look of our background, but more a reference of the layout, and a visual of possible props we might to put in the background.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Club reference pics

reference pics

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Screen Play DueThurs Feb 24th

Our ref pics are due today (Feb 22nd). Each person should post 5-7 pics (except Krystal). The Screen play (rough draft) is due by next class, Feb 24th (Krystal). Also, on the 24th, we need to have an audio folder of sound fx/foley we'll be using in our cinematic/animatic of approx 20 sound files (Correy). For our Artist (Nick) Aaron wants a thumbnail storyboard of certain shots or perhaps a scene, to cover camera angles, etc. The rest of the group, needs to make 5-7 "drawn assets" for an asset library. These will all be checked on the 24th. Thanks.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Elevator Pitch

Dwight and Tank are sitting at a bar. A rock band is playing on a stage when the guitarist loses his pick which flies and hits Tank in the back of the head. Dwight gets blamed for it. Tank starts a fight with him and Dwight flees into the dancing crowd. While trying to flee, Dwight gets humorously kick punched as he tries to hide in the dancing crowd. The crowd picks up Dwight and crowd surfs him. Tank spots him, pulls him down, the crowd gets mad and chaos breaks loose. Soon all are fighting. Tank throws Dwight on stage and knocks over the speaker stack. Which kills the lead singer of the band. The chaos stops, everyone closes in on Dwight, and then Dwight picks up the lead singers mic and saves the day by finishing the song.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

team name

I vote for
Team Alpha Super Awesome Cool Dynamite Wolf Squadron